At the beginning of life Siamese cats kitten is fed only breast milk and breastfeeding is not an issue. This period lasts several weeks. The first portion of milk a cat - it's colostrum, which contains all the nutrients for the protection / oldstyled Siamese cats kittens from various, mainly infectious, diseases, that is for antibacterial protection.
With a newborn colostrum Siamese cats receives antibodies.
Later, the gastric mucosa and intestine of kittens do not miss the antibodies in the body.The mother-cat begins to produce milk rich in proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Thus, in 1 liter of milk found 1970 protein. In the first 8 days of age body weight of kittens doubled. For comparison, a child rights doubles its weight in 5-6 months, the foal - 60 days, and a calf - for 47.